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Spring-clean your soul and mind!

5 Momxious Tips

For me, the arrival of April is very special. Not only because it is the month of my birthday, but also because this year is the 1st anniversary of the release of my book The Anxious Mom Manifesto: 18 Lessons to Control your Anxiety Monster. I never imagined what this book would mean to me. But the most fascinating thing has been that this book came into my life at an extremely difficult time, becoming a powerful weapon that I have used to take care of and maintain my mental health. 

It is no secret to anyone that the world has had a literal ‘wallow’ during the last 3 years. The war in Ukraine has personally been one of the things that have affected me the most, given the family connection that I have through my husband. If it weren’t for the things I wrote in this book about what I need to do to keep my anxiety monster at bay during tough times, I might not even be here writing this. It has been my bible during these chaotic years! And that’s why I’m strong and again encouraged to write and follow my purpose. 

One of the suggestions that I talk about there is that sometimes you need to go inside yourself and do an absolute cleanse and get rid of the things that aren’t working in your life, like having an inner Marie Kondo that gets rid of everything that does not bring something positive to your life and that does not make you happy, including people, situations, feelings, and yes, even material things that get in your way. 

At first, it can be difficult, and it is natural to feel afraid to face these negative things, but to get rid of them it is necessary to bite the bullet and overcome that fear to cleanse your soul and mind of toxins. 

This season is a fantastic opportunity to clean out your inner closet. The energy of the beginning of the season is what you should take advantage of to do that inner cleaning that allows you to shine as the beautiful soul that you are, no matter what happens around you. 

Let me tell you something. In this world, at this very moment, there are human beings who are suffering things that we would never imagine seeing again on earth. The reality is that despite our efforts, we cannot control what happens, the moments of darkness and even the evil that exists and creates suffering will continue to happen. But you have the power to let your light be even more incandescent precisely in these moments of darkness, for the world needs more of this.

If you want to do a mental and spiritual cleaning that allows you to shine brighter and help illuminate the world, I recommend these 5 simple tips:

Make a list of everything negative that you think is affecting your life

Set aside a couple of hours to do this exercise, and do it at a time when no one will interrupt you. To make this list I recommend you first do a few minutes of meditation which will allow you to make use of your most powerful weapon: Your Intuition. Once you feel aligned with the universe, write on a piece of paper all the things that you consider are affecting you. Think about relationships, work, situations, and feelings, whatever comes to mind! Write freely without concentrating too much on the form, and even without analyzing what you are putting on the list. You can make it as long as you want and go as far into your past as you want. Then burn it (of course in a safe place, don’t burn down your house!) As the paper disappears, imagine that these things are leaving your life. You are sending a message to the universe that you are letting those situations go.

Stay away from toxic people, both online and in real life

Sometimes it is difficult to break relationships, but if they affect your life and do not contribute to you, it is time to let them go. Start by unfollowing people online who give you negative feelings. Yes, have an unfollow party. If you consider it necessary, you can make a radical decision such as definitely cutting off relationships with people who are toxic to you. These are people who do not deserve your light. So don’t give them permission to steal it.

Organize your spaces

This is very important. And let me tell you that I am very messy. But I have learned that by physically organizing your home, your car, your desk, and getting rid of things you no longer need, you are also putting your life in order and attracting positive energy around you.

Include meditation and exercise in your daily routine

If there are two things that have changed my life, they are these. I’m not going to say I’m strict and rigorous every day, but especially over the last month, meditation and exercise have been a lifesaver that has kept me afloat. Think of these two things as a necessary habit, like brushing your teeth. Start by spending half an hour a day and work your way up to at least 1 hour. Your mind, soul, and body will thank you. This will free you of negative energies, increase your concentration and productivity, you will feel higher levels of energy and positive vibrations, and you will make better decisions.

Stay away from electronic devices for at least two hours a day

This is perhaps one of the most difficult things. We are at a time where we depend on our cell phones, where in our free time we want to stay in front of a television watching the latest hit series, and our personal relationships are being affected because we no longer know how to communicate or interact with each other. Make a night of board games with family or friends, enjoy a picnic outdoors, read a book, play with your children… There are thousands of possibilities that do not include an electronic device and that will return that human contact that you so much need in your lifetime. 

What do you think? What other ideas can you think of to spring clean your soul and mind?

Paola is the author of The Lake of Miracles/El Lago de Los Milagros, Shorty Tales (Cuentitos), and The Anxious Mom Manifesto: 18 Lessons to Control your Anxiety Monster. Find her books HERE.

Follow Paola @paobsur

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