English Content, Just moms, Sólo Mamás, Writer

This is the best gift for a mom-to-be!

Mom survival kit

Mom survival kit

If you are a mom you know what the black hole stage is. Yes. I’m talking about those first two weeks after you arrive from the hospital. It wont matter if it’s the first or second, or third child, the feeling of being in the nebula, with a million of mixed feelings, sore, haggard, and tired, is the same. From being the center of attention, celebrated, and worthy of all kinds of care, to being the complete and main responsible for keeping a new human being alive while being in a great percentage ignored, is a change more than brutal.

The new moms are ignored but usually in that state you do not realize it, because the attention is completely turned on the new baby, and the love that a mom feels at that moment blocks everything else. I don’t mean by this that others don’t worry or care, of course they do! But not as before and that is one of the most difficult things of motherhood even though moms don’t want to talk about it. The visits, gifts, everything is concentrated on the newborn, and we are grateful for that, but it would be much nicer if people pay more attention to that poor woman who has not slept, has broken nipples and inflamed tits, that may be recovering from a cesarean or painful epidural, and that probably has some trauma from her postpartum body. Yes. That is the moment when a mom seems to be in the middle of a black hole about to be consumed by the cosmos.

A couple of months ago my cousin, whom I consider my little sister, had her first baby, a beautiful girl. But since she was far away, I couldn’t go to visit her when she gave birth. I also missed her baby shower. I wanted to find a way to help her especially in those times of greater vulnerability. I was not going to be able to physically be there to bring her a lunch, take care of her baby so she could take a shower, all those things. For this reason and for many reasons I invented a gift. I call it the Future mom survival kit. I also gave it to another of my best friends who is currently at that stage, and the results couldn’t be better in both cases. It’s not complicated, it’s something simple, I recommend you to send it in a box before her due date so you can include items for the hospital as well. It will certainty make her very happy and it’s useful. Here I give you examples but you can get different brands in different places and make variations, but this is the idea.

Future mom survival kit:


1 nipple shield

Aldhira_babyshopOriginal Medela Nipple Shield Size : Medium (20mm) Medela nipple shield atau pelindung puting bisa dipakai sementara pada kondisi puting Ibu yang lecet atau pecah-pecah. Bisa juga difungsikan sebagai penyambung puting saat pada kondisi puting yang datar . Fitur : •Memiliki kontur yang spesial memungkinkan kontak maksimal antara Ibu dan Bayi. •Terbuat dari bahan silikon yg lembut dan ultra tipis, tdk berbau dan tdk berasa. •Disertakan wadah yang praktis sehingga nipple shield bisa dibawa-bawa dalam keadaan tetap higienis . #aldhiramedela #aldhirabreastpump#aldhiranippleshield #medelanippleshield#nippleshieldmedela #jualmedela#jualmedelanippleshield #jualnippleshieldmedela#jualnippleshield #nippleshield #jualperlengkapanbayi #babyshop #babyshopjakarta #babshoponline #wellcomeresellerdropshiper #wellcomereseller

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1 set of breast pads treatment

Get it at target here


1 nipple balm

Boob ease Natural Nipple Balm Breastfeeding is Beautiful and Natural…but it’s not always easy! New mothers often suffer from sore and cracked nipples in the first few weeks. Protect yourself and your newborn with a non-toxic, organic nipple balm that doesn’t need to be washed off before feeding like Lanolin does. BoobeaseTM Certified Organic nipple balm keeps nipples feeling soft, supple and healthy. Made of 100% organic oils and healing herbs–All ingredients are safe for ingestion by your breastfeeding baby. Ingredients: Extra virgin olive oil*, beeswax, shea butter, marshmallow root*, calendula flower* *Certified Organic Ingredients by USDA and Oregon Tilth ***Does Not contain lanolin, which contains pesticides; or Productamin E which should not be ingested by infants. Harga: 215.000 #belanjabunda #babyolshop #newbiemom #bunda #boobease #nipplebalm #asi #proasi #healthcare #beautycare

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Perineal cold pads and hot and cold packs

Also include

For her: thick and soft socks, slippers, a robe, and a snack.

For the baby (because we can’t help it to be honest): a cute auntie onesie, a complete outfit with style, Mylicon drops, and a nosefrida nasal aspirator.

Most importantly, let her know that you love her, ask her how she is, and for no reason give her advice without being asked. You can vary the items according to your budget, include all or half, include more things etc. The sky is the limit!

What do you think about this idea? What would you add or what would you remove from this list?


Write me and let me know your comments!

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