English Content, Fantasy, Writer, Writing

A big big THANK YOU!


I have always liked to read and write, but also, I have always kept my writings for myself. As a child I was very insecure and shy, and I must confess that sometimes I still am. However, when I thought of becoming a writer, the idea sounded pretty crazy. Who lives from writing? So I looked for something similar, or at least what I thought many writers have as secondary profession: journalism.

Being a journalist has been an amazing school. But the idea of writing books never left me alone, it was like one of those impertinent mosquitoes that constantly disturb your sleep or disrupt any attempt of concentration. Like this an idea came to me. It didn’t leave me alone. It had to do with the origin of shooting stars so I began to plot a story in my head. Fantasy has always been my greatest fascination. But the mosquito buzzing around me began to fade, or rather, I started to ignore it and learned to live with the sound without really listening. The fantasy then became my contemplation, until the day that journalism kicked me in the butt and the mosquito took back its force, lifted me up and said: “I told you so.” Then I sat down to write and The Lake of Miracles was born, my first novel.

When I wrote it a few years ago I had a single idea in mind. Publish it. To do what I really enjoy doing. Sure, it’s crazy to think that while everyone around is working in their office hours and have successful careers, I would suddenly become Ende, Tolkien, Rowling, or García Márquez, by the way my biggest influences. I know, I am aware that to reach that sort of level or just to get even closer to what they are will take me galaxies to travel. But I have to start somewhere right? Every writer has their influences, their stars to look forward to. And these authors are mine. I don’t aspire to win a Nobel Prize, to have my own attraction at Universal Studios, or that Peter Jackson suddenly buys my rights and turns my book into a movie trilogy (who I am kidding I do want all of those things!!!) Of course every writer dreams about something like that at some point. And whoever denies is lying. But I will tell you something, this is what I really want with my first novel: to reach people. Start my career as a fantasy writer, learn, grow as a writer and to further explore my worlds and my fantasies. Maybe later I will get closer to my stars, who knows? Meanwhile I’m enjoying the road, writing. Many people will like what they read, others will not. But that’s why the world of writers is fascinating; because there are millions of readers out there seeking inspiration in some way. And while the writer manages to reach some of them, it all makes sense and stories come to life.

In a year, I published my book in two languages, participated in the International Book Fair of Bogota (FILBO 2017), won 2 awards at the International Latino Book Awards 2017, and I am close to release a very special project that you can’t miss, stay tuned.

And this is the objective of this whole post: SAYING THANK YOU!!! to all of you who have purchased the book, or liked my page, or follow me online. One more thing: please remember to continue supporting independent writers, we are a race of fighters, people who dream but work hard to make our dreams come true. We are just looking for the opportunity, to find our own audience.

You can now buy my novel in English and Spanish HERE, and remember to leave your comments!  Also I invite you to Follow me on FacebookInstagram and Twitter, for more surprises to come! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Click here to see the trailer of El Lago de los Milagros/The Lake of Miracles


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    2 thoughts on “A big big THANK YOU!

    1. Ella Viviana says:

      Te felicito por muchas cosas y una de ellas es por tener él coraje de plasmar una idea, una historia de tu corazón y tu cabeza en un libro y compartirla con todos nosotros, tus amigos, tus fans, tu gente.
      No todos tienen la fuerza, la perseverancia y la fe en si mismos para hacer realidad un sueño.
      Sigue en ese mismo camino que has labrado, sigue deleitándonos a todos con tus aventuras sacadas de los bosques encantados, sigue siendo tu!! I can’t wait for the next one 😉

      1. Paola B. Sur says:

        Como siempre, mil gracias por este apoyo incondicional por años. Tus palabras me dan energía y fuerzas y llenan mi corazón de felicidad y agradecimiento. Pronto pronto llega el otro!

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