English Content, Writer, Writing, Writing Sips


Writing is an art, a skill, and a journey of self-discovery. It is an exercise that demands a lot from us, both emotionally and intellectually. However, many aspiring writers often find themselves stuck, unsure of their abilities or how to please their readers.

I understand confidence is not something you acquire in a blink. You have to develop it, and you are going to need it because the road can be rocky sometimes and it’s that confidence that will get you afloat.

Today in ‘Writing Sips’ – a series of tips for writers I am just starting, I  have compiled my best 5 tips to help boost your writing confidence and keep you inspired.

Write What Inspires You

It’s easy to get caught up in the idea of writing what you think others want to read. But, the truth is, the best writing comes from a place of passion and interest. Write about what truly inspires you, without considering whether it will please others or not. Your enthusiasm for the subject will shine through your words and engage your readers in a way that calculated attempts to please them never could.

Believe in Your Abilities

Confidence in your abilities and talent is key when it comes to writing. Believe that you can convey your message in an engaging and compelling way. Each of us has a unique voice, and it’s important to trust that your voice has value. Your perspective and insights are unique to you, and that’s what makes your writing special. So, have faith in your skills and don’t hesitate to put your ideas out there.

Understand Criticism

Criticism can be a tough pill to swallow. However, it’s a crucial part of the writing process. It’s important to learn how to differentiate between constructive criticism and destructive comments. Constructive criticism, though it might sting at first, is meant to help you improve. Destructive comments, on the other hand, are often baseless and simply meant to tear you down. Tune out the noise, and focus on the feedback that helps you grow.

Your Idea is Original

Even if the topic you’re writing about has been covered by several authors, your idea will always be original. That’s because no one else has your unique perspective or your specific insights. Your voice is unlike anyone else’s. So, don’t shy away from writing about a topic just because it’s been done before. Remember, your take on it is one of a kind!

Avoid Self-Sabotage

One of the biggest obstacles writers face is self-sabotage. We make excuses, procrastinate, and let self-doubt creep in, effectively sabotaging our own process. It’s important to recognize when you’re doing this and take steps to combat it. Remember, you have something valuable to say, and the world needs to hear it. So, push those self-defeating thoughts aside and commit to your writing.

Stay Tuned for More

These tips are just the beginning. Stay tuned for more ‘Writing Sips’ to help you strengthen your writing skills and boost your confidence. And remember, the most important tip of all: just keep writing!

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For more tips, inspiration, and advice on writing, follow me at @paolasurauthor and subscribe to my newsletter below.

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