So everyone is telling you “please stay calm” “don’t panic,” but when you have anxiety… how do you do that? Today my “Momxious 5” are tips to maintain your Anxiety Monster at bay while adjusting to the upcoming changes in our lifestyle due to the Coronavirus 🦠
Governments around the world are taking precautions in order to limit its spread. Not only several events have been canceled but also officials are preparing communities for strong social distancing measures including schools closings. There is no reason to panic. This is not “The Walking Dead”. We just need to be prepared and follow official instructions.
However, I understand your fear. As a mom with anxiety I know that all of this can affect you deeply, because you are also thinking about your kids, your relatives that are far away, the uncertainty of the future… and you know the whole family routine is about to change. Know that this is a temporary thing. Yes, vacations that we have planned might have to be canceled. We might have to stay at home for a while and there is a lot of uncertainty about how companies are going to deal with all of this situation and what is going to happen with our jobs, plus the economic impact is going to be (it is already) enormous. There is something that moms are worrying a lot right now, the fact that a lot of us are going to have our kids homeschooling for weeks when we are not used to this. How can we maintain our sanity, especially when we don’t even know how long this is going to last?
Sometimes it feels like we are living in a movie. But this is real and we just need to do the best we can to be safe and to protect each other. We are powerful beings capable of adapting and with the strength to overcome our fears. Worrying is natural in this situation but if we let fear and anxiety take control, we are going to cause more harm.
I find it useful to share with you some of my recommendations and methods that I have used effectively to keep my Anxiety Monster under control and that I believe you can use right now while dealing with all of this:
1. Talk With Your Family and Make a Plan.
Planing will give you direction. Also will give your family a sense of security. Think about this. Your kids might be having feelings that are not fully expressing. If we are worried imagine what it is for them. This is as new to them than it is to us, but they are looking for reassurance and we are the ones that need to provide that for them right now. Ask them what are they thinking, what are they feeling, explain what you know about the situation and why the new measures are needed. If the schools are closing you must be prepared to establish routines and a new set of rules so everyone still feel there is structure and stability during this time. It is hard to keep kids engaged and school closings not necessarily mean vacation time because everyone will still have responsibilities and work to do. Plus we can’t take them to places that we usually go to when they have free time. So work on a plan with a schedule, rules, and routine, write a “what to do in case of” list, keep communication with schools, and keep an eye on the news without overwhelming yourself with information.
2. Use the JUST BREATHE mantra.
Put these words on post-it notes around your house, computer, kitchen… this will remind you to breathe when you feel anxious or if you feel you are loosing control. There will be moments that you are going to start overthinking, or maybe you are on the verge of having a panic attack. Breathe. Learn about breathing techniques online, pace yourself… things can get overwhelming, particularly with the enormous amount of information bombarding us daily. Plus having the kids around 24/7 will be overwhelming and you know it. If you have to step aside do it and breathe. Lock yourself in your bedroom, in the bathroom, inside a closet, whatever works for you. And breathe. You got this!
3. Give MEDITATION a Chance.
If there is something that all of this is teaching us, is that we need to slow down, make big changes in our busy fast paced lives. No better time than the present to try to find ways to reconnect with your inner power, because this is what is going to help you in times of crisis. We work like a thermostat and we need to find that perfect temperature. I can tell you with certainty, meditation will take you there. Don’t create resistance to this practice. It sounds hard for an anxious person but you have to know that it’s not about clearing your mind of thoughts but redirecting your focus. There are many options and guides for practicing meditation (I will give you some links you can use). Try a few until you find the one that you like the most. Just a few minutes of this a day and creating a habit of practicing it will not only empower you but will change your life! You will start noticing a shift in your energy, and will be more positive despite the circumstances or challenges. You will start focusing on solutions, paying attention to the present, and stop future tripping and worrying about whats going to happen and have no control of. Truth is no one knows. We are navigating this together and this is showing us that no matter who you are, where you are from, we are all vulnerable. Maybe you can do this before your kids wake up or after they go to bed. You don’t need to be an expert nor you need to meditate for hours.
Meditation Practices
The Guardian. (2011, Jan 21). An introduction to easy meditation [Video]. YouTube.
Happify. (2015, Mar 27). Meditation for Beginners – Featuring Dan Harris and Sharon Salzberg [Video]. YouTube.
4. Practice Kindness and Appreciation
A lot is changing. And we are becoming aware that our life is rich no matter what circumstances surround us. That is why we are trying to protect it, because we love living! We love our experiences and our families and our freedom to experience all of it with the us and downs. Now we are facing reasonable restrictions that are forcing us to change our lifestyles and confront us with hard realities of our world. But don’t let that the fear of loosing what you have prevent you from acting and making decisions from a place of love. And all of this starts with kindness and appreciation. Be kind to yourself and to others. Don’t use negative words, be considerate, and be grateful for this moment because you are alive. MAKE A LIST OF 5 THINGS THAT YOU LOVE ABOUT YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW. Whenever you start getting anxious or getting caught on thoughts about your past or worries about the future, have the list handy. Reading it will give you a power you never have imagined and will make you appreciate the moment you are living. Even when your kids are driving you crazy. Even when this situation escalate, because it might.
5. Turn to Nature if Possible.
We are not in a complete lockdown for now. We are avoiding the crowded indoor places but we can certainly take a walk around the block with the kids. And you will need that because everyone will feel trapped at certain point. Fresh air and nature are miracle workers! While you are at it pay attention to details and your surroundings. Like the color of the sky, the forms of the clouds, the sound of water… just to name a few. Little by little you will notice more things to focus your attention on. Plus your body needs some movement.
Do you believe in something? This is the time to strengthen that connection to your beliefs. It will give you peace. It will make you feel safer. You can ask the universe, God, and your spirit guides for protection and guidance. Ask for light in time of darkness. I believe this is a time for awakening. We are being forced to think about our real priorities and the value of simple things. It’s also a time to reflect on our relationships with others and with ourselves. In a time where physical contact needs to be avoided, we are actually appreciating it. It is time to focus on your spiritual connections. Whatever makes you feel connected to your beliefs, do it! Praying, meditating, journaling, chanting… it’s your call.
Other important information before you go…
Your Anxiety Monster loves to feed on fear. In these cases when there is something globally alarming, people will always tend to panic and spread false information in social media. Don’t get glued to your phone for this, put it away! And check you facts. Here are important links for you to keep up to date with official information.
Stay tuned. Next week I will give you tips for mastering teleworking with kids without loosing your mind. I have been doing it for years and it’s posible!!!
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