English Content, Writer, Writing, Writing Sips


In the adventure of writing, one of the biggest challenges is facing rejection. But I have news for you: not everyone is going to love what you write, and that’s okay.

At first this was very difficult for me to face, especially when it came to family and friends. Over time, I understood that what I wrote found the people who needed to hear it, or to whom what I wrote had some positive effect. That response is incredibly gratifying.

When I decided to look for literary agents for my books, I understood that rejection is the daily bread of writers. You can’t imagine the amount of rejections I’ve received in my career! This is absolutely normal. It has happened to even the most famous writers.

Rejection letters can be devastating. But they also give you great lessons. What’s more, they can serve as motivation to continue pursuing your dreams.

In these writing sips, I will give you some tips on how to handle rejection and move forward.


The Reality of Rejection

It’s important to be aware that not everyone, including friends and family, will enjoy or appreciate your writing. This is not a reflection of your ability or talent, but simply a reality of life. We all have different tastes and what fascinates one person may not interest another at all. Understanding this will help you handle rejection more easily.

Don’t Take It Personally

It’s easy to feel hurt when you receive criticism or rejection, but it’s important to remember not to take feedback personally. Criticism of your work is not criticism of you as a person. Learn to separate your work from your identity and you will find that rejection will be easier to handle.

The Value of Comments

If you receive a rejection letter from a literary agent or publisher, don’t dismiss it right away. Many times, these professionals offer valuable advice and constructive criticism in their comments. These can be extremely helpful in improving your writing and fine-tuning your style. So instead of seeing it as a rejection, try to see it as a learning opportunity.

Focus on Your Audience

One of the most common mistakes writers make is trying to please everyone. This is simply impossible. Instead of trying to please everyone, focus on your target audience. Write for people who will enjoy and appreciate your work. By doing so, you will not only feel more satisfied with your writing, but you will also be more successful.

Never give up

Last but not least, never give up. Writing is a journey of ups and downs, but if you stick with it and keep trying, you will soon find your audience. Those people who will love what you write, who will be excited about each new post, and who will support you every step of the way. Even that literary agent you so want to represent your book.

Remember, every great writer has faced rejection before finding success. Do not give up! I hope these tips help you on your writing journey. Remember, rejection is part of the process and can be a valuable learning tool if handled correctly. Don’t let the fear of rejection stop you. Keep writing!

Stay tuned for more writing sips!

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