10 Feb Culture, English Content, entertaiment, Fantasy, Pop Culture, Writer Roaring into Fantasy: Let’s Explore the World of Dragons! February 10, 2024 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments Let's delve deeper into the realm of dragons, especially since it is the beginning of the year of the dragon – a time of auspicious ene... Continue reading
01 Nov Culture, English Content, entertaiment, Escritura, Fantasía Ficción, Fantasy, Inspirational Writing, Litestyle, Pop Culture, Writer, Writing These are the 3 things you need before writing your book. November 1, 2022 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments They say that in life we all have to do 3 things: have a child, plant a tree, and write a book. My philosophy is that the only thing ... Continue reading
01 Nov Culture, Escritura, Español, Fantasía Ficción, Fantasy, Litestyle, Onda Lite, Pop Culture, Writer, Writing Estas son las 3 cosas que necesitas antes de escribir tu libro. November 1, 2022 By Paola B. Sur 3 comments Dicen que en la vida todos tenemos que hacer 3 cosas: tener un hijo, plantar un árbol y escribir un libro. Mi filosofía es que lo úni... Continue reading
13 May Cinema, Culture, English Content, entertaiment, Fantasía Ficción, Fantasy, Pop Culture, Writer Daenerys Arc: Was it really that shocking? (SPOILERS) May 13, 2019 By Paola B. Sur 1 comment BEWARE OF SPOILERS..... Before you continue, you are warned. This post contains spoilers. So if you haven't seen the latest episode ... Continue reading
18 May Culture, Escritura, Español, Fantasía Ficción, Fantasy, Onda Lite, Pop Culture, post, Writer ¿Por qué escribir fantasía para jóvenes? Les cuento mis razones. May 18, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 2 comments Nada se compara a lo que siento cuando estoy al frente de una hoja en blanco. O tal vez sí, hay algo mucho mejor. Lo que siento cua... Continue reading
18 May Culture, English Content, entertaiment, Escritura, Fantasía Ficción, Fantasy, Inspirational Writing, Pop Culture, post, Writer Why write YA fantasy? I tell you my reasons. November 15, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments Nothing compares to what I feel when I am in front of a blank page. Or maybe yes, there is something much better. What I feel when ... Continue reading
24 Feb Chick Flick Philiac, Cinema, Culture, English Content, entertaiment, Litestyle, Onda Lite, Pop Culture, Writer And the imaginary Oscar winner is … February 24, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments I am one of those people who is fascinated by the awards season, from the Golden Globes to the glamorous Oscar night. The... Continue reading
24 Feb Chick Flick Philiac, Cinema, Culture, entertaiment, Español, Onda Lite, Pop Culture, Sólo Mamás Y la ganadora al Oscar imaginario es… February 24, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments Soy una de esas personas a las que le fascina la época de premiaciones que va desde los Golden Globes hasta la noche cuando se entr... Continue reading
21 Feb Culture, entertaiment, Escritura, Español, Fantasía Ficción, Inspirational Writing, Momentos de Inspiración, Onda Lite, Pop Culture El poder de los sueños y su relación con las estrellas fugaces en el Lago de los Milagros April 11, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments ¿Qué pasaría si de repente alguien tuviese el poder de quitarnos nuestros sueños? ¿Qué sería de un mundo donde sus habita... Continue reading
21 Feb Culture, English Content, entertaiment, Fantasía Ficción, Inspirational Writing, Litestyle, Pop Culture The power of dreams and their relationship with the shooting stars in the Lake of Miracles November 15, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments What would happen if someone suddenly had the power to take away our dreams? What would become of a world where its inhabitants wou... Continue reading