English Content, Inspirational Writing

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Just the fact that this year is ending with the possibility of the end of the world, gives me the authority to say that 2012 was not an easy year. Above all, it was a year of unfinished businesses and little setbacks. And I have reached December after a year that I have compared to a marathon, seeing the finishing line in the distance when I am tired already. I feel I can´t run anymore, my legs are shaking and all my bones and muscles hurt. I have run with all the energy possible so far and I think I can finish with a decent record time, considering I have fallen several times on the path. However, I made a promise when I began. Races are made to finish them with dignity. That is why I can´t stop now that I am so close to finish. There will be time after for recovery and get some air and water. I can see the people on the side of the road, those that are cheering for me. My family that encourages me to keep on running, my friends that have always supported me are standing right there with their support banners, and then, at the finishing line I can see those dreams for which I run all the races of my life. And I can understand that a race doesn’t finish because a year ends, and I won’t stop running because a race finishes. There will always be a next one.

My brother, who in fact competes in triathlons, has been the example I use in this analogy. An athlete never gives up. He or she prepares beforehand, polishes up all what he or she needs for the race, follows a specific diet, and trains every single day. At the beginning of the race, an athlete concentrates and meditates. At the sound of “go”, the athlete is filled with the sensation of happiness, because he or she knows that is about to finish something that required a lot of work and preparation. However, the athlete not always can complete a race because another competitor run over him, or because another person got accidentally on his way and the athlete got hurt forcing him to quit. But that doesn’t matter because there is another race, another opportunity, perhaps a one that represents a bigger challenge. Sometimes races go ok and others don’t. But an athlete never gives up, because since he discovered that he can compete, not with others but with himself, an inspiration grew within to be better, an impulse that not only lets him run but also, let his spirit lift and fly.

This is exactly how I want to see life from now on. Every challenge is a race. Yes, sometimes we can just run a 5k, others we have the energy to do an Ironman. What is really important is that we don’t loose track of what it is we want to reach, where we want to get, and above all, we need to run to fulfill our dreams. A race doesn’t serve its purpose if it represents a torture. You have to run for pleasure, feel the wonder of the wind against the face, the sound of every step, the adrenaline of happiness when you do something that you want, when you want. Without obligation, regardless of what others think or whether they like it or not. There are always be haters, those who want to screw our race, or just mere accidents on the road. But we have to keep on going, never give up or loose perspective.

To everyone, I wish you keep on going whatever is your ongoing challenge. May this end of the year represent an opportunity to finish or start a new race. May the new year, if the Mayans allow (lol), will be a true joy and that you can run the race of your life! In a personal note, I say goodbye to 2012 with a couple of projects to finish. I thought I could finish them before but sometimes things happen when is the right moment and not when you want them to happen. We’ll see if next year I can really call myself a Fiction Fantasy writer. Wait for my upcoming book, The Lake of Miracles. It will be available on Amazon soon, first in Spanish and hopefully and shortly in English as well.

As every year, I need to express my gratitude. All the races I run I can do them because I have the best support: My family that is the motor and my impulse, to them I dedicate all of my triumphs. Particularly to that little girl of blue eyes, my daughter Eva, who has let me run the most gratifying race of all, the one that I am enjoying the most, what a beautiful and endless race is motherhood. Thanks to all those who read me, to my friends and family members around the world, thanks for the support and for never forgetting about me. And to God because without him nothing would be possible.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Anyway we will keep in touch through my blog, because I will never stop writing!

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