14 Feb Chick Flick Philiac, Cinema, Culture, English Content, entertaiment, Fantasía Ficción, Litestyle, Onda Lite, Pop Culture, Writer 6 love portrayals that have taken my breath away. Which ones are yours? February 14, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments Ever since the humans found the way to tell stories they began to speak about love. It’s one of the strongest subjects in any narra... Continue reading
07 Feb Chick Flick Philiac, Cinema, Culture, entertaiment, Escritura, Español, Inspirational Writing, Litestyle, Onda Lite, Pop Culture 3 razones por las cuales me enamoré de La La Land CUIDADO CONTIENE SPOILERS February 7, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments Con la películas musicales hay que tener cuidado. Son producciones consentidas por los críticos y la academia. En cuanto al público... Continue reading
07 Feb Chick Flick Philiac, Cinema, Culture, English Content, Life is Life, Litestyle, Onda Lite, Writer 3 reasons why I fell in love with La La Land CAUTION THIS POST CONTAINS SPOILERS February 8, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments You have to be very careful with musical movies. They are the most beloved productions for critics and The Academy almost every tim... Continue reading
31 Jan Culture, Escritura, Español, Just moms, Onda Lite Acciones ejecutivas de una Madredictadura January 31, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments No se si es el estrés de todo lo que está pasando en el país, o si simplemente estoy abrumada con todo lo que el rol de mamá implic... Continue reading
31 Jan Culture, English Content, Just moms, Litestyle, Onda Lite, Sólo Mamás Executive orders in a Momtactorship January 31, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments I don’t know if it's the stress of everything that's happening in the country, or if I'm just overwhelmed with motherhood, or if it... Continue reading
27 Jan Chick Flick Philiac, Cinema, entertaiment, Escritura, Español, Fantasía Ficción, Onda Lite, Pop Culture ¡El mundo necesita heroínas! April 11, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments Cuando conocí la noticia de la muerte de Carrie Fisher (QDEP) me dio una infinita tristeza. Fue literalmente como sentir un disturb... Continue reading
27 Jan Chick Flick Philiac, Cinema, Culture, English Content, entertaiment, Fantasía Ficción, Litestyle, Pop Culture, Writer The world needs heroines! January 27, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments When I heard the news of Carrie Fisher’s passing I was deeply saddened. It was literally like feeling “a disturbance in the force.”... Continue reading
18 Jan Cinema, Español, Fantasía Ficción, Onda Lite, Pop Culture, Writer ¿Por qué es difícil crear al villano en una historia de ficción?. Les cuento mi opinión y revelo cuáles son mis favoritos. April 11, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments El mundo está lleno de villanos, tanto en la vida diaria como en la fantasía. Son quienes destruyen expectativas, quienes despierta... Continue reading
18 Jan Cinema, Culture, English Content, Fantasía Ficción, Litestyle, Pop Culture, post, Writer Why is it difficult to create the villain in a story? I tell you my opinion and reveal my favorite villains! January 18, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments The world is full of villains, both in real life and in fantasy. They are those characters who destroy our expectations, who awaken... Continue reading
10 Jan Cinema, Culture, English Content, entertaiment, Litestyle, Writer The 7 most fascinating dragons of recent popular culture, and their relationship with the dragon mythology in my book The Lake of Miracles. January 10, 2017 By Paola B. Sur 0 comments The celestial dragon will shine on top of the white mountain, and the one in whose body will reincarnate all the evil of the universe... Continue reading